Saturday, April 15, 2023

#45 of 100 trips for 100 years - Tomahawk Lagoon-Peg 41track 8 April 2023 (by Jade Pettinger)


Ten of us gathered at the clubrooms on Saturday afternoon for what was to be the first OTMC day trip during Easter weekend in at least 50 years. Heartened by the good numbers for a long weekend, we set out for Tomahawk Lagoon ready to conquer the Peg 41 track.
On arrival at Tomahawk Lagoon, we took a few minutes to admire the bird life before setting off. The beginning of the track winds its way through the bush on the edge of the lagoon before a sudden, steep climb out of the bush and into farm paddocks. As soon as we clambered over the rickety stile and emerged onto the expansive grassy paddocks, the views began to open up in front of us. The white sands and glistening blue ocean of Tomahawk and Smails Beach spread out in front of us.
Despite the cool wind, layers were soon being shed as the climb up the Peg 41 track was steady. We fell into a single file line as we skirted the edge of a paddock. This piece required some concentration as the paddock had an electric fence running up the side of it and all it would have taken was a slight misstep to end up electrocuted! Thankfully we were all careful and made it to the top unharmed.
Climbing over another stile, we had now joined onto the Soldiers Monument track that comes up from Highcliff Road. As we got closer to our destination, the wind seemed to increase. Once we arrived at the base of the monument, we soon found it was difficult to stand as the wind buffeted us. Some brave souls ventured up onto the monument, while the other more sensible ones found a perch out of the wind to have a snack.
Those of us who went up onto the monument had our breath taken away by the wind, and had to hang onto any loose clothing (even our glasses) as the wind threatened to take them away. It was a bit of a comedy show watching people try to walk around the monument as they struggled against the wind. The handrail was crushed in a death grip as it felt as if all it would take was one extra-strong gust and we would have been airborne. The view down the Otago Harbour was incredible, with not a cloud in the sky. Standing up there with the wind barrelling through your hair is certainly one way to feel alive.
It’s safe to say we didn’t hang around the top for too long - just long enough to devour some chocolate eggs (well it was Easter!) and take a quick team photo. Our intrepid leader decided that instead of walking back the same way, we would make the trip and loop and head down Centre Road. We headed down the steep track towards Highcliff Road, pleased to be leaving the wind behind as we dropped down below the summit.
It was single file again once we were on Highcliff Road to avoid becoming roadkill as we made the 500m or so journey to Centre Road. The road stretched out in a seemingly endless line in front of us, but as we chit chatted our way downhill we were surprised at how quickly the time went. We lamented that the best views were hidden behind trees or farm paddocks and were unable to be seen from the road.
Before we knew it we were rounding the corner back to Tomahawk Lagoon. We had made good time with a total trip time of around 2 hours, which no doubt would have been longer had the wind not been so strong. Although on the shorter side, it was a perfect way to spend a sunny Saturday afternoon.

by Jade Pettinger

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