Showing posts with label #100trips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #100trips. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

#103 of 100 trips - Silver Peaks 23 October 2023


The final trip dawned and with blue skies and close to 70 people gathered at the Mountain Road car park ready for a good day's walk in the Silver Peaks.  We had been up the track from the start of the car park on trip#1 of 100 trips as well as a number of other times over the past year but this time was different as the long line of people made it's way up the track.  For some people it had been many  years since they had been into the Silver Peaks and it was interesting to hear their stories while walking with them. 
Some people commented that they remembered the track into the Green Hut Site as being flat and were surprised by how much up and down there is along the ridge.  Over all the track climbs 140m from the car park at the road to the Green Hut Site and there are a couple of short steep sections that can slow people down, While the pace wasn't overly fast, it didn't matter as we were there to enjoy the company.  The track has held up well over the winter with any muddy parts having dried out making for pleasant walking.  We reached the Green Hut Site in a little over an hour and it was surprising how many people could fit into the grassed area of the site.  The seats were taken over while others sat on the grass to enjoy a morning tea break.  
After a reasonable rest, most of the group continued on to Pulpit Rock with some opting for the shorter climb to Green Hill.  It's another 220m climb to Pulpit Rock and starts with a short, sharp climb out of Green Hut Site then a nice sidle around to the ridge where the gradient steepens before reaching the summit of Pulpit Rock.  As the track is above the bush line the sidle is a good opportunity to see the route ahead with the groups of people spread out on the climb up and Pulpit Rock in the distance on the left.
The weather in the Silver Peaks was amazing, it was one of those magic blue sky days with not a breath of wind.  We couldn't have asked for a better day and everyone was enjoying themselves.  Especially so as we neared the top of Pulpit Rock and the views really started to open out around us.  The 360 degree views were outstanding with Mt Cargill, Mt Charles, Mt Watkin, Rock and Pillar Range, Maungatua standing out. 100 years ago there had been 60 people on that first OTMC trip to Pulpit Rock and today we had close to 70 people standing on Pulpit Rock.
We all found our own spot nestled amongst the tussock admiring the views in all directions as we ate lunch and continued reminiscing about past trips in the Silver Peaks and picking out some of the remembered landmarks.  The greatest achievement of the day went to Frank who at 86 was the oldest person of our group to reach Pulpit Rock and made even special because it had been more than 60 years since he had last stood on the top. 
As much as we would have liked to stay longer, the time came to head back down and it was with sadness that I left the top of Pulpit Rock.  It had been a fantastic year of tramping with the first trip of the #100 trips coming to Pulpit Rock and there had been many wonderful tramping trips over the past year.  Now it was at an end and there were just three of us that had been on the first trip and were also on this final trip . 

There is only so long that you can delay the inevitable and we reluctantly followed everyone else down the hill.  It made quite a sight to see such a large group in the Silver Peaks.  It had been a wonderful walk down memory lane for many and the warm weather had made it a perfect day.  The weekend had rekindled many friendships and was a reminder of  past good times shared.  
The group was well spread out so the walk out was a little faster than it had been coming in and we got to chat with different people.  I had been surprised all weekend at the number of people I had spoken to but there was always someone I had missed seeing during the previous events and the walk out was a good opportunity to catch up with some I hadn't spoken to already.  Getting into the car at the end was tinged with sadness that the whole Centenary was over but also relief that all the work over the past few years had come together nicely and everyone agreed that it had been a fabulous weekend!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

#102 of 100 trips - Ben Rudd's 22 October 2023


As part of the centenary weekend, 70 people gathered at the Bull Ring for the walk to the OTMC Ben Rudd property. The day was inclusive for all as the less active people were able to get a ride in a 4WD to the property while those more able took the extended walking option and walked up the Pineapple Track to Flagstaff before heading over to the Ben Rudd property.

I was part of the group to take the extended walk and headed up the 160m climb from the Bull Ring car park to the top of Flagstaff.  Initially the walk up is steep and soon had the group spread out but no one was in a rush and groups were happy to stop and take in the views of Saddle Hill bordering the flat of the Taieri Plains which surrounds the township of Mosgiel and golden tussock in the foreground.  The fitter ones carried on to the top of Flagstaff while the others kept some of the older members company as they took their time and the pace picked up as the gradient leveled out.  No one minded waiting at the top for everyone to regroup as the weather was warm and calm and there was plenty of time to admire the view of Dunedin city spread out before them.  While I had seen this view many times, particularly over the #100 trips, it was the first time in many years for most of the past tramping club members. 
The top of Flagstaff is also a significant place for the OTMC as it is where the plane table was installed in 1973 for the club's 50th anniversary highlights the surround peaks and geographical features.  It was nice to be here today for the 100th anniversary.

This was also a good spot for a team photo of those that had opted for the extra walk before heading down the hill to the Ben Rudd property.

The next stage of the trip took us down the Pineapple Track to the dip where we followed the Cross Track to the Firebreak and the corner of the Ben Rudd property.  This was also another good opportunity to walk and talk with different people to those we had walked up the hill with. 
Once at the Ben Rudd property we met up with those that had come up in the 4WD vehicles and others who had chosen the shorter route and walked up the Firebreak track.  There was quite a crowd at the site where there was a short speech about the significance and history of the property followed by a cake cutting with an ice axe.
 People took the opportunity to check out the panoramic sign which named all the surrounding hills  including the Silver Peaks.  This prompted more conversations and stories from the past which were shared during lunch.   After lunch some people opted to take the short detour to the Ben Rudd Shelter while others chose to continue conversations with people they hadn't seen for a long time.  All too soon the event was over and everyone wandered back along the Firebreak to the Bullring.  It had been a wonderful day that had involved a lot of talking and chatting. 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

#101 of 100 trips - Pineapple Point 21 October 2023

After the wonderful build up of #100 trips for 100 years, the centenary weekend for the Otago Tramping & Mountaineering Club had arrived and what a fantastic weekend it turned out to be.  Around 200 people enjoyed a number of events during Labour Weekend 2023 with a walk to Pineapple Point being one of them.  Over 70 people gathered for the moderat walk up the Pineapple Track from Booth Road.
The mood was cheerful and there was much chatter as everyone met and was reacquainted with tramping buddies from years past.  The start of the Pineapple Track is a moderate 100m climb to the water treatment station where the faster group walked along happily chatting and finding a pace that suited.
Once past the water treatment station, the track enters the native podocarp forest and winds it's way up hill, climbing another 200m in height before reaching Pineapple Point.  While most of the group kept together and chatted as they walked, some of the older members of the group dropped behind and took their time, stopping often to catch their breath and look around. 

For these older club members it had been more than 40 years since they had been up the Pineapple Track.  I walked with this slower group and it was good to hear their stories and look through their eyes at the landscape around us. For most the walk up the hill takes around 30-40 minutes but for this slower group it took closer to an hour.
As people emerged from the bush, they took the short detour to Pineapple Point and enjoyed the view while continuing to chat while waiting for everyone to arrive.  It is amazing how much there is to talk about with people that you haven't seen in many years and no one minded waiting for those slower to make the journey to the Pineapple Point.

Once everyone had arrived at Pineapple Point, snacks and drinks were consumed before a short speech welcoming everyone and a recap the history of Pineapple Point including the recent installation of the seat and lookout. 

Then there was time for more chatting and photos before the group broke up with some heading up to the top of Flagstaff and others taking an alternative route back to the cars.  Those older and less fit in the group opted to return the same way they had come up, by the Pineapple Track.  We joined these people and took our time down the hill, stopping often and enjoying their reminiscing as we walked slowly down the hill. While it was only a short walk and one that we have made quite a few times over the past year, it was memorable, especially with the fantastic company and I loved talking and walking with the older people who had been in the tramping club in the 1950 & 60's. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

#100 of 100 trips - Five Summits (Mt Kettle / Mihiwaka Area) 15 October 2023


After 99 completed trips, today marked a significant milestone in the #100 trips for 100 years with the completion of the 100th trip.  The trip had originally been touted as 5 summits in 5 hours with 25 people so we arrived at the start of the trip with high hopes and were pleasantly surprised to find that there were indeed 25 people keen to experience the Cedar Creek Farm area and reach the summit of 5 peaks in 5 hours.  Starting up the four wheel drive track it is a steep 1km walk, gaining 100m in height to the reservoir where we regrouped for some brief instructions on where we were headed.

After the discussion about not following the trapping tracks we headed off into the pine plantation towards  Mt. Martin which was the first, and lowest of the five peaks at 478m.  We only had a modest 60m in height to gain to reach the summit of Mt. Cutten which involved a stroll through the trees.  Walking was easy as there is little/no undergrowth under the pine trees and the ground is a carpet of soft pine needles with the odd fallen branch to step over.  It is hard to know when you are at the top of Mt. Martin as it is covered in trees and the only view is glimpsed through the branches. The only way we knew we were at the top was because there was no more uphill to go and so it was also the place to take our first summit picture - always a little difficult to take a team photo with so many people.

From Mt.  Martin, we headed off towards our next summit- Mt. Cutten which is a little higher at 538m.  We dropped off the summit of Mt Martin slightly and followed the contour until we reached a turnoff at the edge of the pine trees.  This lead to a short but steep climb to the broad summit of Mt. Cutten from which we were able to get great views looking down onto the township of Port Chalmers and further down the harbour towards the city.

We carried on from the summit of Mt. Cutten for another five minutes to the Len Lye sculpture where we stopped for a short snack break and also our second summit photo which was even more difficult  than the first as there isn't a lot of space for so many people.  

After replenishing the energy levels we headed for our third summit - Mt. Kettle at 545m.  While Mt. Kettle is not a lot higher, it involves a 140m descent down Mt. Cutten and then a160m climb up Mt. Kettle.  First though we had to retrace our steps down the steep climb then through the pine trees, crossing below the reservoir before a sharp ascent that involved using trees and brute force to pull oneself up the steep incline to the summit of Mt Kettle.  During this ascent, a shower of rain came over making most in the group stop to put on their jackets with a hardy few carrying on regardless. By the time we reached the top of Mt. Kettle the shower of rain had passed and we were able to enjoy the views from the top along with a short break for lunch. 

From Mt. Kettle we could look back towards the two lower summits that we had already climbed and also towards our next summit - Mt Chalmers at just over 450m.  We headed along the ridge of Mt. Kettle before dropping down into the pine trees again, crossing the forestry road and climbing up out of the trees, onto a scrubby flat.  As there is no track to Mt. Chalmers, we had to detour from the track once we got close, briefly bash through the bush then a scramble up to the rocky summit of Mt. Chalmers. 
The views in all directions were stunning and made the awkward scramble to the summit worthwhile. This being trip #100, it was fitting to look in all directions and pick out natural landmarks that had been part of the #100 trips and remember some of the many trips we had been on over the past year.

We could have spent much longer on top of Mt. Chalmers but after taking the summit photo, it was time to head towards our final summit - Mihiwaka. 
At 561m, Mihiwaka is the highest summit in the Cedar Creek Farm area and is also a popular rock climbing area. While the climb to the broad summit of Mihiwaka is straight forward with an easy track, the rock climbers prefer the steep, rocky sides lower down.  Having completed all five summits with 25 people, we took some time to celebrate the milestone of completing #100 trips, even more meaningful for the five people who had been on the trip #1
To complete the trip, we headed off down the side of Mihiwaka, dropping 200m down a very steep track that involved quite a lot of clambering down tree roots, hanging onto branches and generally trying to stay upright by clinging to trees before finally arriving slightly disheveled at the road.  All up, it had been a fantastic day with 8.2km of walking by 25 people completing 5 summits in 5 hours - a fitting way to complete the #100 trips.  Our mission 365 days ago was for the Otago Tramping & Mountaineering Club to complete 100 trips in a year and we were ecstatic  to have completed all 100 trips, albeit with a couple of destination changes due to weather.  Certainly an achievement to be proud of and for myself personally, I have completed 84 trips out of the 100. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

#99 of 100 trips - Ross Creek 14 October 2023


Today's trip is a replacement for a weekend trip that was postponed due to the weather and being so close to the end of #100 trips, we couldn't miss one now .  Despite being a hastily arranged day trip 11 people turned up for a short 2 hour walk around the Ross Creek/School Creek area.  We started the walk at Woodhaugh and took the path through the gardens and up the Bullock Track which is a short but steep climb up to Maori Hill.  We reached the top and stopped to catch our breath before following Braeview Crescent which skirts around the contour of the hill and has remarkable views of Leith Valley and the lower section of Pine Hill.At first it would appear that Braeview Crescent is a dead end street but if you know where to look, there is a 'locals only' track that continues to follow the contour, crossing a small side stream and after around 5 minutes walking following a narrow, winding trail through the bush, comes out on one of the Ross Creek walking tracks.  This was a very pleasant alternative to more road walking.  Once on the Ross Creek walking track we continued following the contour until we reached the Ross Creek reservoir where we stopped for a snack and drink break before walking past the stars and around the reservoir.
The Ross Creek Reservoir was created in the 1860s to provide water for the city of Dunedin and is now used only when other water sources are critically low. Native bush surrounds the reservoir and with numerous tracks through the bush and around the reservoir, it is also one of Dunedin's most popular bush walking areas, particularly with dog walkers and families. 
After circling the reservoir we followed the creek which is created from the overflow of the reservoir down the valley.  The creek is pleasant to walk beside with the water bubbling over rocks and passing through the narrowest parts of the valley with canyon walls rising on both sides of the creek.  We stopped for a short time to see the 20m waterfall that tumbles into School Creek before continuing on down the valley and through Woodhaugh Gardens back to the cars.  A very pleasant 2 hours, 8.7km walk in the sun.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

#98 of 100 trips - Ship at Anchor 8 October 2023


The Ship at Anchor is a large, distinctive rock tor on the Lammermoor range near Lake Mahinerangi and is also part of the Te Papanui Conservation Park.  We had been to the southern end of the conservation park during trip #54 and were looking forward to exploring the northern end today.  The drive to Te Papanui Conservation Park takes around an hour and because there are not many trips to Ship at Anchor, it wasn't surprising to have 14 people bundle themselves into cars to make the journey.  Getting out of the cars at the locked gate on the edge of the Conservation Park was a little disconcerting as the cold wind buffeted everyone as they hastily put on more clothes, rain jackets and hats.  The start of the track involves crossing the locked gate and following a four wheel drive track through the tussock and past the large pipes that take water from Deep Stream to Dunedin. 


The track steadily climbs 180m to the top of the Lammermoor range before dropping to the weir intake.  It was here that the group gathered behind a small communication hut to shelter from the wind and rain to regroup and taking into consideration the deteriorating weather, the distance and terrain still to go along with the fitness of some of the group, the decision was made for the slower members to leave the main group who would carry onto to Ship at Anchor while the slower group would take an alternative route to the  gold diggings.  Being one of the few who had been to the area before, I volunteered to lead the slower group and this meant that we needed to retrace our steps down the hill and take a side track through the golden tussock following a wide, broad ridge down to Barbours Stream

There is very little of the gold diggings left, just piles of tailings and stone walls are all that remains.  We found a sheltered spot out of the wind to eat lunch and wondered about the hardy people that would have lived and mined here.  We could see the odd rain shower further up on the hills but we were dry, happy and warm beside the stream.  Once replenished with lunch, we faced an almost 200m climb out of the stream back up the wide, broad ridge to the four wheel drive track.  We took our time, stopping often to look around and marvel at the wonderful landscape of rolling hills covered in tussock that changed colour from gold to brown as the sun and cloud chased each other across the sky.  The cold wind continued to buffet us around and we could see dark clouds gathering in the distance so picked up our pace and made it back to the cars before the cold rain and hail arrived.  The fitter group arrived about an hour behind us, cold and wet from having been caught in the rain and hail.  While it was not quite the trip that I had planned, it was still an enjoyable day out in a picturesque place - a place that I hope to revisit on a sunnier and warmer day. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

#97 of 100 trips - Opoho Creek - Signal Hill - Ravensbourne (loop) 7 October 2023


The day was warm and despite the trip starting a little later at 1pm, 10 people arrived keen to explore the area behind Logan Park.  Starting on the Big Easy mountain bike track, we followed Opoho Creek for about a kilometre, past the historic pools of the trout hatchery dating from 1868 were we stopped to learn that this was the birthplace of brown trout being introduced into New Zealand using eggs transported from Tasmania.  The hatchery is no longer in use but the rock lined pools are still clearly visible.  We continued along the Big Easy which is the uphill mountain bike track zig zagging it's way through the native bush at a gradual gradient that belies the height gain.  We took every opportunity to stop and check out the views of the city at every clearing in the bush. 
A steady pace was set and we were able to walk along chatting to others quite happily, stepping aside occasionally for the odd cyclist making their way up the hill.  About an hour of this enjoyable walking saw us reached the Plateau with around 200m of gentle climbing.  The Plateau is a lookout just over half way up hill with seating, drinking fountain and bike repair station at a junction of a number of bike tracks on the flat shoulder of the ridge.  This proved to be the perfect place to stop for a snack and drink with a wonderful backdrop of the city while we were entertained by the mountain bikers heading very fast down hill, some going straight over the jumps while others took the twists and turns at great speed. 
Keeping well clear of the mountain bikers we packed up and quickly crossed the bike paths and were onto a track that we had walked in the other direction nearly a year ago on trip #4  .  We had good views of the harbour all along the track as it dropped in height down to Ravensbourne.  Once we left the track and came out on the streets at the top of Ravensbourne, it was just a matter of following the streets down to the harbour and down it certainly was!  The streets on this side of the hill are a complete contrast to the Big Easy bike track's gentle climb, instead it is a knee jarring, drop down to the Otago harbour. 
Once down the hill, we crossed the road and were onto the cycle/walking trail around the harbour.  From here it was an easy flat walk along the cycle/walk way for a couple of kilometres.  We had walked along here for trip #19 and like that time, there were a number of other walkers and cyclists also using the joint path.  The walking on this section was easy and we made a fast time, turning off the walk/cycle way at the stadium and following the Water of Leith as it wound it's way beside Butts Road and back to the cars.  A fun shorter trip of 9 km over 2 hours and climbing 200m in height.

Otago Harbour Cycleway 30 October 2023

With my sister in town, it seemed a shame to waste a calm, sunny day so the two of us hopped on a bike each to enjoy the recently opened 32k...